Maths Magic: that change Human life......

Maths Magic: that change Human life......

Most of the people from us thought that maths just as a subject , in fact in reality is exciting world of uses and ideas. Maths has many branches here we discuss some of them:

Most important in the Money and financial sector that means to understanding more about currency , interest rates, loans and assets. Its help the person also to find quickly figure out the percentage of a sale or how to even invest carefully and wisely.

In the computer programming , totally based on the binary numbers which based on algorithms and its solve by calculations.

In scientific researches its a boon because its help in measurements , conversions , temperature the huge list of its without Maths science is just like car without steering.

In the Navigation on the sea , its help to ship have used compasses and sextants to measure precise distance for a centuries ago. But today compasses and sextants replaced by the digital systems and GPS which use the power of maths to steer in the right direction .

Sports has also use the power of maths by keep track records , predicting who would won or lost and performance of the players and many more in the game.

Games of maths relates and Puzzles which are help to able to think in a new way and especially children who complete puzzles when younger stage shown better in mathematical aptitude later in life.

Maths are cover every sphere of our life wherever we go cooking to engineering in bridges , weather forecasts , shopping sales or restaurants all rely on the mathematics . Just prepare yourself and learn the new areas of maths and enjoy it!!!!

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